Exit Planning
Interested in buying or selling a business? You need to have a plan in place to make sure you maximize your return. We can help with that plan. Call for a free consultation today.
Buying Or Selling A Business Is A Complex Process.
We Make It Simple For You.
It’s a natural progression to go from helping our clients with commercial real estate transactions to helping people with buying or selling their business.
Being a business broker allows us to serve our clients in a unique way. With all the complexities involved with either buying or selling a business, it’s easy to miss a few steps. This can cost you significantly down the road. We can help you check off every box and make informed decisions.
There are two guiding principles in business brokerage. Maximize returns and guard confidentiality. Through the use of NDA’s, we endeavour to protect all of your personal and financial info to the best of our ability. We treat all of your most valuable info as if it is our own.
Whether buying or selling a business, a thorough financial analysis is necessary and required. The very core of determining the value of a business lies in that financial analysis. There are a variety of methods of arriving at a fair price including looking at assets, market conditions and income. It’s imperative to look at which method makes the most sense for your business and industry.
If you are looking to sell your business, you will need to have financial records including profit and loss statements and income statements to help to determine a sale price for the potential buyer.
There are several things to take into consideration when selling a business, but far and away, the most important piece to selling your business is having an effective exit plan. It’s important to be prepared to work your plan so that you can maximize your return before you exit the business.
BUYING A Business
If you are considering buying a business, then information is king. It’s essential to gather as much information about the business as possible. Make certain you ask for the financials, tax records and ask a lot of questions to make sure you know exactly what you are buying.
All the potential transactions associated with either buying or selling a business are handled with as much confidentiality as possible while still accomplishing the goal of buying or selling the business.
Selling A Business
If you have a businesss anywhere in Ohio, and are considering selling it within the next 6 months to a year, call us and let’s talk about your plans. There are specific considerations to take into account when selling a business that many people don’t think about until it’s too late. We have the experience and expertise to help you get the most out of selling your business. You’ve worked hard on your business. Let us help you get what you deserve.
Selling your business begins by getting an appropriate valuation. How much is your business actually worth? Many people tend to miss certain components around the business valuation that can cost them money during the sale of the business. Don’t let that happen to you. Call us and let’s talk about how to get a proper business valuation today.
Get In Touch
Jim's Cell: 770-757-5431
Phone: 513-755-4400
5700 Gateway Blvd.
Ste. 200
Mason, OH 45040